The service content covers investment funds, private equity, debt investment and financing, and fund liquidation

Investment Fund

JurArs has extensive experience in structuring, negotiating, and drafting a wide range of investment fund products and tools, including private equity funds, venture capital funds, corporate venture capital, credit funds, mezzanine debt funds, hedge funds, real estate funds, fund of funds (FoFs), secondary market funds, and custodial accounts, both in RMB and USD. JurArs provides support to clients throughout the entire lifecycle of these complex products and tools, including sponsor organization and economic arrangements, downstream transactions, exits, company and fund restructuring, buyer work, secondary markets, and liquidation. Specifically, the services include:

◆ Fund structuring and design:
Providing construction and design solutions for different types of funds, such as private equity funds, venture capital funds, corporate venture capital funds, credit funds, mezzanine debt funds, etc.
Developing fund terms, structures, and organizational forms, customized solutions based on client needs.
Providing legal guidance and support for the fund raising and registration process.

◆ Investment transactions and negotiations:
Assisting clients in due diligence and transaction structuring for investment transactions.
Drafting, reviewing, and negotiating investment agreements, contracts, and documents.
Providing legal negotiation support for investment transactions to ensure the maximization of client interests.

◆ Fund operation and compliance:
Providing legal guidance and compliance advice during the fund operation process.
Assisting in the development of fund management rules, internal compliance policies, and procedures.
Providing support on compliance matters related to fund raising, operation, investment, and exits.

◆ Exits and liquidation:
Assisting fund managers in formulating exit strategies and implementation plans.
Providing legal support for liquidation and distribution matters.
Assisting in handling related transactions such as fund investment exits and asset disposals.

◆ Regulatory compliance and legal risk management:
Providing regulatory compliance consulting to ensure the fund’s operation complies with applicable laws and regulatory requirements.
Assisting in communication and compliance reviews with regulatory authorities.
Providing legal risk management advice to help clients prevent and address potential legal risks.


Private Equity

Private equity is a core business of JurArs, and as a pioneer in providing legal services in the field of private equity, JurArs is able to provide professional expertise in various stages of private equity, including seed stage, early stage, expansion stage, and mature stage, for investors and companies. JurArs also provides advice on IPO standards, mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, repurchases, and other divestment matters, making it one of the few law firms in China that provides clients with end-to-end, high-quality, one-stop legal services.

From seed financing to subsequent financing rounds, JurArs provides the following services to clients:

◆ Private equity transaction structuring: JurArs can design investment and financing transaction structures for clients, ensuring compliance and aligning with the client’s business objectives.
◆ Corporate restructuring: During the private equity transaction process, JurArs can provide legal support for corporate restructuring, including mergers, spin-offs, acquisitions, and reorganizations.
◆ Due diligence: Conducting due diligence is crucial for investors or companies. JurArs can assist clients in conducting due diligence to assess the risks and opportunities of transactions.
◆ Drafting investment and financing documents: JurArs has experience in drafting investment and financing documents and can provide professional legal drafting services to ensure proper expression and protection of transaction terms and conditions.
◆ Negotiation support: JurArs can assist clients in negotiations, representing their interests and ensuring favorable transaction conditions.
◆ Equity incentive plan design: Equity incentive plans play a crucial role in attracting and motivating key talents in private equity transactions. JurArs can design equity incentive plans tailored to client needs.
◆ Delivery assistance: After the completion of private equity transactions, JurArs can assist clients in completing delivery procedures, including equity transfers.
◆ Registration and approval procedures: For private equity transactions involving government registration and approval, JurArs can assist clients in collaborating with relevant intermediaries to complete the necessary registration and approval procedures.


Debt Investment Financing

◆ Debt financing agreements: JurArs assists clients in drafting, reviewing, and negotiating debt financing agreements. They help clients protect their interests in debt financing transactions and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
◆ Bond issuance: If clients intend to issue bonds to raise funds, JurArs can provide comprehensive legal support. They will assist clients in formulating bond issuance plans, reviewing issuance documents, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements throughout the issuance process.
◆ Debt restructuring: In situations where a company faces financial distress or debt defaults, JurArs provides legal advice on debt restructuring. They will assist clients in negotiating with creditors, formulating debt restructuring plans, and seeking favorable resolutions.
◆ Mortgage and collateral arrangements: JurArs can assist clients in developing mortgage and collateral arrangements to support debt financing. They will assess assets and provide legal advice to ensure the effectiveness and compliance of mortgage and collateral arrangements.
◆ Financing transaction structuring: When clients seek financing, JurArs can provide legal advice on financing transaction structures. They will develop suitable financing structures based on clients’ specific needs and ensure that legal risks in the transaction are thoroughly considered and managed.
◆ Regulatory compliance matters: Debt investment and financing involve numerous legal and regulatory requirements. JurArs will help clients understand and comply with relevant laws and regulations to ensure their business activities are in compliance and reduce legal risks.


Fund Liquidation

This includes the following services:

◆ Decision and notification:
The fund manager or the fund board should make a resolution to terminate the fund and provide notifications in accordance with applicable laws, fund agreements, and regulatory requirements.

◆ Asset assessment and valuation:
Conduct assessment and valuation of the fund’s assets to determine the Net Asset Value (NAV) of the fund.
Asset assessment may require the engagement of independent valuation agencies or professionals to ensure accuracy and fairness.

◆ Debt repayment:
Utilize the fund’s assets to repay debts, including payment of various fund expenses and compensating investors.
Debt repayment is conducted in a certain order according to priority and legal provisions.

◆ Asset distribution:
Distribute the remaining assets in accordance with the fund agreement and applicable laws.
Asset distribution may involve allocating based on investors’ shares or interests or according to other agreed-upon methods.

◆ Reporting and record-keeping:
The fund manager needs to submit fund liquidation reports and records to regulatory authorities and relevant stakeholders.
These reports and records include detailed information on the liquidation process, asset assessment, debt repayment, asset distribution, and more.